이 포스팅은 시각화 정리 시리즈 16 편 중 16 번째 글 입니다.

  • Part 1 - 01: 라이브러리
  • Part 2 - 02: matplotlib 알아보기
  • Part 3 - 03: 산점도
  • Part 4 - 04: Circling을 통한 버블 플롯
  • Part 5 - 05: 선형 회귀 선을 포함한 산점도
  • Part 6 - 06: Strip plot
  • Part 7 - 07: Counts plot
  • Part 8 - 08: Marginal Histogram
  • Part 9 - 09: Correlation plot
  • Part 10 - 09: Marginal Boxplot
  • Part 11 - 10: Pair plot
  • Part 12 - 11: Diverging Bars
  • Part 13 - 12: Diverging lines with text
  • Part 14 - 13: Diverging Lollipop Chart with Markers
  • Part 15 - 14: Area chart
  • Part 16 - This Post
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feature를 정리한 후 히스토그램을 그려보자.

# Useful for:
# This is a normal bar chart but ordered in a specific way.
# From the lowest to the highest values
# It's useful to show comparisons among discrete categories.

# More info:
# https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Bar_chart

# ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
# get the data
PATH = "/kaggle/input/the-50-plot-challenge/mpg_ggplot2.csv"
df = pd.read_csv(PATH)

# ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
# prepare the data for plotting
# groupby and create the target x and y
gb_df = df.groupby(["manufacturer"])["cyl", "displ", "cty"].mean()
gb_df.sort_values("cty", inplace = True)
# fitler x and y
x = gb_df.index
y = gb_df["cty"]

# ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
# instanciate the figure
fig = plt.figure(figsize = (10, 8))
ax = fig.add_subplot()

# ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
# plot the data
for x_, y_ in zip(x, y):
    # this is very cool, since we can pass a function to matplotlib
    # and it will plot the color based on the result of the evaluation
    ax.bar(x_, y_, color = "red" if y_ < y.mean() else "green", alpha = 0.3)

     # add some text
    ax.text(x_, y_ + 0.3, round(y_, 1), horizontalalignment = 'center')

# ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
# prettify the plot

# Add a patch below the x axis line to enphasize that they are below the mean
# I had to copy and paste this code, since I didn't manage to figure it out.
# red one
p2 = patches.Rectangle((.124, -0.005), width = .360, height = .13, alpha = .1, facecolor = 'red', transform = fig.transFigure)

# green one
p1 = patches.Rectangle((.124 + .360, -0.005), width = .42, height = .13, alpha = .1, facecolor = 'green', transform = fig.transFigure)

# rotate the x ticks 90 degrees
ax.set_xticklabels(x, rotation=90)

# add an y label
ax.set_ylabel("Average Miles per Gallon by Manufacturer")

# set a title
ax.set_title("Bar Chart for Highway Mileage");

다운로드 (19)


Plotting with Python: learn 80 plots STEP by STEP